Visualizing colors()
The other day I learnt about the existance of the colors() vector in R which specifies all the character-based colors like “light blue”, “black”, etc. So I made a simple plot to visualize them all. Here’s the code:
mat <- matrix(1:length(colors()), ncol = 9, byrow= TRUE)
df <- data.frame(col = colors(),
x = as.integer(cut(1:length(colors()), 9)),
y = rep(1:73, 9), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
plot(y ~ jitter(x), data = df, col = df$col,
pch=16, main = "Visualizing colors() split in 9 groups",
xlab = "Group",
ylab = "Element of the group (min = 1, max = 73)",
sub = "x = 3, y = 1 means that it's the 2 * 73 + 1 = 147th color")
And the plot: