This function is very similar to usethis::use_description() except that it uses a template from biocthis. This template includes some of the information expected in the DESCRIPTION file of a Bioconductor package. You can compare the output of this function to the one from usethis::use_description() to select the parts you want from each.

use_bioc_description(biocViews = "Software", report_bioc = FALSE)



A character() with the Bioconductor biocViews terms you want to use for your package. See for details. Note that the terms you choose have to be part of one of the main four trees: software, annotation, experiment or workflow.


A logical(1) indicating whether to set the BugReports to the Bioconductor Support website or to the GitHub package issues page. As noted on December 18 2024 at, Bioconductor reviewers prefer to use the GitHub issues page for BugReports. This is also documented at


This function adds and/or replaces the DESCRIPTION file in your R package.


For details about the DESCRIPTION file guidelines for Bioconductor packages check


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
## Run this function in your package
} # }

## Create an example package for illustrative purposes.
## Note: you do not need to run this for your own package!
pkgdir <- biocthis_example_pkg(use_git = TRUE)
#>  Setting active project to "/tmp/RtmpuenB1l/biocthisexample".
#> Package: biocthisexample
#> Title: What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
#> Version:
#> Authors@R (parsed):
#>     * First Last <> [aut, cre]
#> Description: What the package does (one paragraph).
#> License: `use_mit_license()`, `use_gpl3_license()` or friends to
#>     pick a license
#> Encoding: UTF-8
#> Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
#> RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
#>  Setting active project to "/tmp/RtmpuenB1l/biocthisexample".
#>  Initialising Git repo.
#>  Adding ".Rproj.user", ".Rhistory", ".Rdata", ".httr-oauth", ".DS_Store", and
#>   ".quarto" to .gitignore.

## Create a template DESCRIPTION file that is Bioconductor-friendly
#>  Leaving DESCRIPTION unchanged.
#> Package: biocthisexample
#> Title: What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
#> Version: 0.99.0
#> Date: 2025-03-21
#> Authors@R (parsed):
#>     * First Last <> [aut, cre]
#> Description: What the package does (one paragraph).
#> License: Artistic-2.0
#> URL:
#> BugReports: 
#> Encoding: UTF-8
#> Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
#> RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
#> biocViews: Software