
Schedule and course materials for Statistical Computing (JHSPH Biostatistics 140.776 Fall 2023).

Schedule and course materials

For Qmd files (markdown document with Quarto cross-language executable code), go to the course GitHub repository and navigate the directories, or best of all to git clone the repo and navigate within RStudio.

Check for Leo’s live class notes.

Week Lectures / due dates Topics Projects
Module 1 Statistical and computational tools for scientific and reproducible research
Week 1 Lecture 1 (Leo will be remote!) πŸ‘‹ Course introduction [html] [Qmd] [R] 🌴 Project 0 [html] [Qmd] [R]
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Introduction to R and RStudio [html] [Qmd] [R]
πŸ™ Introduction to git/GitHub [html] [Qmd] [R]
Lecture 2 (Leo will be remote!) πŸ”¬ Reproducible Research [html] [Qmd] [R]
πŸ‘“ Literate programming [html] [Qmd] [R]
πŸ†’ Reference management [html] [Qmd] [R]
Module 2 Data analysis in R
Week 2 Lecture 3 πŸ‘€ Reading and writing data [html] [Qmd] [R] 🌴 Project 1 [html] [Qmd] [R]
βœ‚οΈ Managing data frames with Tidyverse [html] [Qmd] [R]
Lecture 4 😻 Tidy data and the Tidyverse [html] [Qmd] [R] πŸ‚ Project 0 due
🀝 Joining data in R: Basics [html] [Qmd] [R]
Module 3 Data visualizations R
Week 3 Lecture 5 πŸ“Š Plotting systems in R [html] [Qmd] [R]
πŸ“Š The ggplot2 plotting system: qplot() [html] [Qmd] [R]
Lecture 6 πŸ“Š The ggplot2 plotting system: ggplot() [html] [Qmd] [R] 🌴 Project 2 [html] [Qmd] [R]
Sept 17 πŸ‚ Project 1 due
Module 4 Nuts and bolts of R
Week 4 Lecture 7 πŸ”© R Nuts and Bolts [html] [Qmd] [R]
Lecture 8 πŸ”© Control structures in R [html] [Qmd] [R]
πŸ”© Functions in R [html] [Qmd] [R]
Week 5 Lecture 9 πŸ”© Loop functions [html] [Qmd] [R]
Lecture 10 πŸ› Debugging code in R [html] [Qmd] [R]
πŸ› Error handling code in R [html] [Qmd] [R]
Oct 1 πŸ‚ Project 2 due
Module 5 Special data types in R
Week 6 Lecture 11 πŸ“† Working with dates and times [html] [Qmd] [R] 🌴 Project 3 [html] [Qmd] [R]
Lecture 12 ✨ Regular expressions [html] [Qmd] [R]
Week 7 Lecture 13 🐱 Working with factors [html] [Qmd] [R]
Lecture 14 πŸ“† Working with text data and sentiment analysis [html] [Qmd] [R]
Module 6 Best practices for working with data and other languages
Week 8 Lecture 15 ☁️ Best practices for data analyses [html] [Qmd] [R]
Lecture 16 🐍 Leveraging Python within R [html] [Qmd] [R]
Oct 22 πŸ‚ Project 3 due