After 10+ years of research, my FIRST 1st-author paper & @biorxivpreprint is finally OUT🥹I delved deep into the human inferior temporal cortex🧠in #Alzheimersdisease, using #VisiumSPG #VectraPolaris #RNAscope & #HALO @Indica_Labs. Check out our📜at https://t.co/QQEy1ZWc1V🔥 pic.twitter.com/dBZNzL1S96
— Sang Ho (Sangho) Kwon (@sanghokwon17) April 24, 2023
Thank you #GBD23 @MinaRyten @LabGandhi John Hardy 🇬🇧 for hosting us!🙌🏽
— 🇲🇽 Leonardo Collado-Torres (@lcolladotor) May 25, 2023
Hopefully our #deconvochallenge #spatialLIBD #spatialDLPFC #Visium_SPG_AD work + @Bioconductor 📦s + @10xGenomics @LieberInstitute data will be useful to you@eventsWCS @UCLchildhealth @TheCrick @UCLIoN @ucl pic.twitter.com/vJcpL4tcQK