7 spatialLIBD
🔥off the press! 👀 our @biorxivpreprint on human 🧠brain @LieberInstitute spatial 🌌🔬transcriptomics data 🧬using Visium @10xGenomics🎉#spatialLIBD
— 🇲🇽 Leonardo Collado-Torres (@lcolladotor) February 29, 2020
📦https://t.co/Au5jwADGhYhttps://t.co/PiWEDN9q2N pic.twitter.com/aWy0yLlR50
- Platicas grabadas
Usta es la versión de un webinar para BioTuring que pueden ver en su sitio web o a través de YouTube
Aquí hay una versión anterior:
- Artículo: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-020-00787-0
- Software: http://research.libd.org/spatialLIBD/ o spatialLIBD
- Interfaz de shiny: http://spatial.libd.org/spatialLIBD/
- Libro (en construcción) donde explicamos como usar varias herramientas: https://lmweber.org/OSTA-book/
- Pre-print sobre
Are you working with spatial transcriptomics data such as Visium from @10xGenomics? Then you'll be interested in #SpatialExperiment 📦 led by @drighelli @lmwebr @CrowellHL with contributions by @PardoBree @shazanfar A Lun @stephaniehicks @drisso1893 🌟
— 🇲🇽 Leonardo Collado-Torres (@lcolladotor) January 29, 2021
📜 https://t.co/r36qlakRJe pic.twitter.com/cWIiwLFitV
Brenda Pardo
Today I gave my first talk at a congress in #EuroBioc2020 about our work on adapting the package #spatialLIBD to use VisiumExperiment objects. pic.twitter.com/U23yE32RWM
— Brenda Pardo (@PardoBree) December 14, 2020
Our paper describing our package #spatialLIBD is finally out! 🎉🎉🎉
— Brenda Pardo (@PardoBree) April 30, 2021
spatialLIBD is an #rstats / @Bioconductor package to visualize spatial transcriptomics data.
This is especially exciting for me as it is my first paper as a first author 🦑.https://t.co/COW013x4GA
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