Introduction to high throughput sequencing and derfinder for the JHU Biostat Journal Club
Development plans for derfinder at useR!2013
Introduction to knitr (R Markdown version 1) for the JHU Biostat Computing Club
Introduction to high throughput sequencing and RNA-seq for the Genomics for Students club
Discussion on the DEXSeq paper for the Genomics for Students club
Introduction to Biostatistics for LCG-UNAM students (2012 version)
Introduction to git and introduction to website creation at the same time for the JHU Biostat Computing Club
Introduction to Biostatistics for LCG-UNAM students (2011 version)
Overview of the BacterialTranscription project and R package for the European Bioconductor Developers Meeting
Introduction to High Throughput Sequencing analysis for the National Bioinformatics Node (NNB in Spanish) 2010 event