All functions |
Run the derfinder analysis on a chromosome |
Assign genomic states to regions |
Calculate p-values and identify regions |
Calculate F-statistics at base pair resolution from a loaded BAM files |
Coerce the coverage to a GRanges object for a given sample |
Collapse full coverage information for efficient quantile computations |
Extract coverage information for exons |
Export coverage to BigWig files |
Create a BigWig file with the coverage information for a given sample |
Define a cluster to use. |
Deprecated functions in package ‘derfinder’ |
Change naming style for a set of sequence names |
Filter the positions of interest |
Find non-zero regions in a Rle |
Load the unfiltered coverage information from a group of BAM files and a list of chromosomes |
Genome samples processed data |
Genome samples processed data |
F-statistics for the example data |
Genome samples information |
Candidate DERs for example data |
Genomic State for Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene |
Extract coverage information for a set of regions |
Calculate the total number of mapped reads |
Load the coverage information from a group of BAM files |
Obtain the genomic state per region from annotation |
Build model matrices for differential expression |
Merge results from different chromosomes |
Transform and split the data |
Identify regions data by a coverage filter and get a count matrix from BigWig files |
Construct full paths to a group of raw input files |
Identify regions data by a coverage filter and get a count matrix |
Calculate adjustments for library size |